*  Alexandr Korljukov.
*  Turing mashine.
*  Instructions: s.q s.b s.c s.s s.r, where
*      s.q -  a current state,
*      s.b -  a symbol to observe,
*      s.c -  a symbol to write on a current position,
*      s.s -  a shift direction of shift ( '<' or '>' ) ,
*      s.r -  a next state,
*      'a' and 'z' - a start and end state.
  = <Prout
* For testing:
* tur_rv.mst
* Reversing of the bits.
* For example, '1122' ==> '622115'
 <Tur 'a'
* tape
          ( ()'1122' )
*            |_________ pointer *

* Program:
                    ('a11>a') ('a22>a') ('a 5<b') ('a$$>a')
                    ('b12<b') ('b21<b') ('b 6>z') ('b$0<b')
* tur_br.mst
* Checking a bracket's structure .
* For example, '*()((*' ==> '0(RL*'
* For example, '*()()*' ==> '1()()'
 <Tur 'a'
* tape
*          ( ()'*()((*' )
          ( ()'*()()*' )
*            |_________ pointer *

* Program:
                  ('bLL>b') ('bRR>b') ('b((>b') ('b* <d') ('b)R<c')
                  ('cLL<c') ('cRR<c') ('c(L>b') ('c*0>z')
                  ('dL(<d') ('dR)<d') ('d(0>z') ('d*1>z')

Tur  {
       'z'  ((e.1)     e.2) e.3 = e.1 e.2;
       s.q  ((e.1) s.b e.2) e.3 = <Tur1
                           <Search s.q s.b e.3> ((e.1) s.b e.2) e.3>;
       s.q  ((e.1)        ) e.3 = <Tur s.q ((e.1) ' ' ) e.3>;

Tur1   {
 s.c '<' s.r ((       ) s.b e.2) e.3 = <Tur s.r ((   ) ' ' s.c e.2) e.3>;
 s.c '<' s.r ((s.a e.1) s.b e.2) e.3 = <Tur s.r ((e.1) s.a s.c e.2) e.3>;
 s.c '>' s.r ((    e.1) s.b e.2) e.3 = <Tur s.r ((s.c  e.1)    e.2) e.3>;

* Looking for an instruction.
Search   {
        s.q s.b ( s.q '$'  '$'  s.s s.r ) e.2 = s.b s.s s.r;
        s.q s.b ( s.q '$'   s.c s.s s.r ) e.2 = s.c s.s s.r;
        s.q s.b ( s.q s.b   s.c s.s s.r ) e.2 = s.c s.s s.r;
        s.q s.b ( e.1 )  e.2 = <Search s.q s.b e.2>;
*        s.q s.b                          = '?<z' ;