* Here is a residual program of the last supercompilation by the SCP4.
* The residual program is in Refal5.
* You have to change the parametrs of the call of FORMULA0 with data.
* Please, be carefull:
*         a) the order of the parametrs can be incorrect;
*         b) the residual program cannot be supercompiled
*            without some transformation to a fragment of Refal5;

* = <Prout <FORMULA0 e.B (e.A )>> ;
 = <Prout <FORMULA0 3 ( 4 )>> ;

* InputFormat: <FORMULA0 e.1 (e.2 ) >
 e.1 (e.2 )  ,                   /*  a + bi ,  e.2 - a , e.1 - b   */
 <Q_DIV (1 ) e.1 >:e.41  ,       /*    1 / b                       */
 <Q_MUL (e.2 ) e.41 >:e.42  ,    /*    a / b                       */
 <Q_SUB (0 ) e.42 >:e.43  ,      /*   -a / b                       */
 <Q_DIV (e.43 ) e.1 >:e.44  ,    /*   -a / b^2                     */
 <Q_MUL (e.2 ) e.44 >:e.45  ,    /*   -a^2 / b^2                   */
 <Q_SUB (1 ) e.45 >:e.46  ,      /*    ( a^2 + b^2 ) / b^2         */
 <Q_MUL (1 ) e.41 >:e.47  ,      /*    1 / b                       */
 <Q_MUL (1 ) e.44 >:e.48  ,      /*   -a / b^2                     */
 <Q_ADD (0 ) e.48 >:e.49  ,      /*   -a / b^2                     */
 <Q_SUB (0 ) e.47 >:e.50  ,      /*   -1 / b                       */
 <Q_DIV (e.50 ) e.46 >:e.53  ,   /*   -b / (a^2 + b^2)             */
 <Q_SUB (0 ) e.49 >:e.54  ,      /*    a / b^2                     */
 <Q_DIV (e.54 ) e.46 >:e.57      /*    a / (a^2 + b^2)             */
 = (e.53 ) (e.57 ) ;             /* = (a - bi) / (a^2 + b^2)       */

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